Wednesday, April 2, 2014

GRATITTUDE IS THE RIGHT ATT-.... Oh gawd, I can't type this again. Too cheesy. Like pizza.

I ain't got no time to think of dumb titles that will make me sound full of myself. I have an awful habit of feeling the need to explain everything as if everyone who will read my words or listen to me will have the education of a 3 year old. That's just how I roll.


 So I was re-reading my blog, of which I have hidden ALL my old posts (because fuck you, I'm sorry that was mean.. I mean fuck me), and I realized that I was mighty full of myself when I would write. It sort of makes me want to vomit in my mouth a bit, because of how high and mighty I made myself seem through my words. I wasn't at all, but with the way I wrote things I just came off as "I AM HOLIER THAN THOU, I AM BRAIN-GEL, GOD OF MEN" and that really wasn't me. It isn't me. It will never be me. I don't want to say never, because Justin Bieber is all like "never say never", but I'm almost certain that I won't ever (see what I did there? "won't ever?" I'm so clever) be full of myself. I have several daily instances of life kicking me in the stomach to prevent that from happening. In fact, I'm almost positive on a daily basis I'm lucky if I feel like I'm on an even playing field as everyone else.

When life kicks you in the stomach, at least there's pictures of squirrels eating pizza on the internet. A lot of them.

It's funny I say that, because to a few people I know, they see me as a really lucky person. And you know what? I am. I am so very lucky and grateful for whatever good things come my way - even though I get my face stomped by life almost daily. I try to make a point to take a few seconds or so to appreciate what good things actually do come my way. Know why? (I THINK YOU DOOOOOOO, but in case you don't, let me explain. [there I go again, explainin shit.]) Because fuck you! That's why!.... JUST KIDDING APRIL FOO-... It's April 2nd, isn't it? Damn. But for realsies though, I do it because there's so much you can be grateful for in any given day that it's just redonkulous. It's bananas. It's b-a-n-a-n-a-s. It's just crazy. The funny thing is, is that there are SO many little things that bring us down, that we can't even SEE the great things that happen to us or that we're blessed with. I don't say blessed as in a metaphorical religious past-tense verb, I say it in a "we should be grateful" sort of way. I am not a religious man in any serious sense, but that isn't your business and I'm not going to push any agendas down anyone's face. I just wish people would take a moment, JUST ONE MOMENT, to look at something good and go "Man, I am lucky to have this." I bet once you do it, you'll notice other things that you'll be glad you have.

Sometimes it's about putting things into perspective and, instead of focusing on bad things, make the positive things bigger than the negatives. Negatives are good and all (lolol oxymoron, but really though), because without them there would be no point to the good things, but we can't just make the negatives the star of our shows called "lives."

Squirrels eating pizza are a gift that we need to cherish. Life is pizza squirrels.

I'll be the first to admit I don't even do this every day. In fact, it's once a week, if that, that I do end up remembering to do it. However, once I do actually get out of my shit-tier mood and go "oh wait, maybe I'm just looking at things through my piss-goggles", I realize that I can take a moment to think of something good, rather than bad. It does wonders to shift your mind into a positive state, rather than a shit state. I've begun to realize a few people I know (and unknowingly more?) have started to fall deep into depression and letting their woes get the best of them. I just wanted to write something to maybe help them out a bit, some funny (not well thought out) pieces of advice that will maybe help remind them that life is good.

I said I wouldn't shove any agendas down anyone's face, but I want to touch on something that might come off as me doing so, so if that's the case, forgive me.

Life is good. It really is. It's pointless. Utterly pointless. I was thinking about this the other day, but really the whole point of living is to live. That's it. No secret meanings, no hidden messages, not one ultimate goal or objective that life will accomplish. Not one. In the vastness of existence, we wouldn't even be able to be seen or spotted on a super magnifying lens microscope machine of ultimate magnification. Our lives are just that small in the grand scheme of things. Now there's two sides of looking at life this way, there's the ultimate negative way and positive way. Negative being that there's no point, why continue? Why would I want to continue something that bears no meaning to anything at all? The positive way would be to look at it and go "Well, might as well kick back and enjoy the pointless ride." Which would be the best way to do this.

I'm not saying be reckless with your life and snort coke on the top of a skyscraper and believe you can snowboard down the 90 degree angle like some kind of badass. I'm just saying that the little shit that gets you down, it won't matter in the end. The positive things won't either. BUT! The good thing about this is that you can give yourself the option and choice to focus your energy on whatever you want to, because it doesn't matter. SO why not think about the good shit? Be wary and cautious of the negative stuff, don't just go "LALALALA, MY PHONE BILL HAS BEEN DUE FOR THE LAST TEN MONTHS BUT I AIN'T GOT MONEY SO FUCK IT, I GOT BUTTERFLIES TO CHASE", but just give yourself the lee-way of not letting negative things consume your minds and spirits (side note: spirituality and religion are two different things). Keep yourself in reality and in check, but just let yourself think about good things, because you deserve that more than you deserve to waste your pointless existence on depression and woes.

Don't be reckless like this squirrel is with his carb in-take. He's just asking for diabetes and clogged arteries.

Here's a handy-dandy little starter list of things to be grateful, for they're things I list to myself that get me back to a better mindset when I'm feeling down.

-The general well-being of my family and friends.
-I woke up in the morning.
-I am not in a foreign country, trapped in a prisoner-of-war camp.
-I do not have any life-threatening illnesses.
-I am in debt, but I am not in debt by a gigantic (or even that large of an) amount.
-I have a bed to wake up in. Or at least a warm house.
-I have a job, that even though I hate it, they pay me to come in and do stupid things for them so they don't have to. A lot of people don't have jobs.
-I live in the era of the internet, and have that powerful resource at my fingertips (and not so powerful, but just fucking awesome).

Just a few things to think about, but the best is thinking of things that are particular to you and just focusing on that shit with your mind beams and going "YEAH" and getting all pumped up about it. It's lame. It's silly. It'll make you feel like a dumbass. But it's awesome in the end, and it helps a lot.

I have too many pictures of squirrels with pizza.
Watch me hit you with this super awesome (not lame) catch-phrase I just made up about it all:
Ouch, my pride.


Honestly, I don't know why this is a thing.